Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tap, tap

Tap, tap comes the sounding
of the impending farside
as I open my shutters
for you to move just inside.

Tap, tap comes the moaning
of the hours left behind
for our children are groaning
as life's crack grows more wide

Tap, tap comes the beckoning
of the curled and cold-fingered
when a moth slaps my window
(falling abruptly)
in dead quivering remembered.

Tap, tap
tap, tap
tap, tap.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Earthlings are given only one chance in a particular lifetime to actually bodily travel to Oxonia. They are afforded passage and perks based upon social, economic and religious status.
Any preferred, upperclass passenger who is caught attempting to sell down his identity and flight status to another less fortunate traveler, can elect to either take the money and hop aboard or turn the lowerclass traveler in to the waiting authorities. If the desperate lowerclass traveler is afforded the opportunity of being sufficiently swindled, he will then be judged and fully ratted. Though punishment is swift and sure, the green cages near the spaceport are most often brimming full.
All aboard.

Dream Bazaar

On Air Oxonia flights, certain passengers are eligible to shop in the ship's multi-level dream bazaar.
Dream-shopping for the latest Oxonian fashions
is an excellent way to pass the endless night of space travel.


Any jumper can be zapped from the ship's target gallery and milk bar on the upper deck. There are always certain passengers who are willing to pay extra for this privilege. If successfully zapped, a jumper is forever suspended in midair.
The zapped ones become floating monuments, both to their own fears and indecisiveness, as well as to the shooter's accuracy and ultimate glee.
No records have been kept on how many danglers have been zapped after becoming jumpers. Nonetheless, the friendly skies have become quite crowded.


The especially mad from Earth can
choose to ride on the outside of the ship. These travelers are called danglers.
They pay extra and seats are usually limited. It is the nature of danglers to often become jumpers.

Flight #OX2022

Earth to Oxonia.
Those who ride slip quickly into the long, quiet sleep.

Exodus to Oxonia

Earthlings have the opportunity to actually
travel to the physical realm of Planet Oxonia,
but only once in a lifetime.

If one suffers from the debilitating earthly disease of indecision, there is always a last chance to jump.
There are many jumpers.

Lunatics' Cafe, a bookstore in Oxonia

Hot dripping steam from young tea-stained minds.
Hot rising cream from chocolate meeting times.
Hot boiling juice from spit of addicted lips.
Hot moonrolls for late-feasting lunatics.